Monday, February 14, 2011

Not all about me.

Weird title for a blog, huh?

I was going to sit down and blog about how my feelings were hurt today by someone I really care about (not DH).  But, as I usually do, I read through all the recent posts of those blogs I am "following"  And what should I read, but that one of the blogs that deals with a baby who was born early and is in the NICU isn't doing well.  Then I read about another baby who has cancer and also now RSV.

WHOA.  Let's put the breaks on, Jill.  Let's look at this rationally, because obviously everything is not all about you.  You've been in similar situations to these families.  So, for those of you reading my blog and are the praying types, please pray for Scarlett and Lucy.  That God heals them and that they become healthy little girls who grow up to be healthy young women.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Prayer works

Two Sundays ago I put in a prayer request for healing.  I've been having some problems directly related to my difficulty in getting pregnant.  I was/am confused and hurt and just generally beating myself up over this.  So I asked for healing.  Nothing specific, just healing for my issue that was at that moment.

Wouldn't you know, not three days later, the issue resolved itself.  In the first rush of relief that came from the resolution, I didn't realize what it meant.  Until I thought about the previous Sunday and what I had done.

At that moment, I closed my eyes and thanked God.  I'm not sure if the issue would have resolved itself without me putting in a prayer request.  Or if God gave me a little push to put in a prayer request so he could get the glory to heal me.  I just know that I put in a prayer for healing...and no more issue.

God is good.  He heals when we need it.  He gives us the push to ask for prayer when we need it.  It is still our choice, but if you follow Jesus, you try to follow the pushes and prods in our lives.  So when we do, we realized that God is in control and we just need to ask him for help.