I should explain a little bit. "Team Green" is a term that means that the parents will actively CHOOSE not to find out the gender of their unborn baby. With the idea that they don't care about the gender of the child. That being said, we never really "cared" about the gender of the child (we didn't want one gender over the other), but we wanted to know for a preparedness factor.
So, we wanted to know, until I started thinking about the fact that my doctor, due to some previous issues he has had in this area, will not tell the parents the gender unless it is OBVIOUS. He will say what to look for on the screen, but he will NOT say his opinion on it. What if this baby is not as obvious as Alex was. Or if this little one is a girl, there is no way to be 100% sure with a girl (not like there is with a little boy). Or...
The more I thought of the "or"s, the more stressed I became. How on earth was I going to endure 20 more weeks (well...16 after my next appointment) with the "what if" statements running around in my head. I already have TONS of those running around in my head as it is.
-What if...the doctor misses a birth defect?
-What if...there is a birth defect not detectable on the ultrasound?
-What if...we should have gone ahead with the amnio instead of just looking for birth defects.
And the list goes on. I have so many "what if" thoughts, that it would probably fill up an entire notebook. (Little known fact...."what if" thoughts breed more what if thoughts. They are kind of like tribbles...they are born pregnant.) I don't need another "what if" thought.
So I asked Jason today if he would be okay not finding out the gender until the baby is born. I did warn him that we would need BOTH boy and girl names picked out (we have the hardest time coming up with girl names). He agreed and so...here we are.
Now we are not completely Team Green. Should the doctor get a good look and should it be obvious, we will find out, but I'm not going to ASK the doctor to look. And I'm not going to stress about what Baby is. Baby is my baby, and I will love him/her with all of my heart. No matter the outcome.
Go Team Green! Kudos for being able to resist the urge to find out, I don't think I could=)